Friday, August 12, 2016

Trash Cans?!

Have you ever seen a trash can on fire? Well, that's exactly what I saw on The Fourth of July! We were driving home from my cousin's house when my dad mentioned all the fog. Then we passed a smoking trash can. My mom pointed out that it was smoke, not fog. We turned around and my mom got out of the car and started to knock on the neighbors door, because the owners of the trash can were not home. While we were waiting, the trash can started to ignite. That's when my mom and dad drove my brother, sister and I home to go to bed. By that time, my mom had called 911 and reported the flaming can of boiling sludge to The Fire Department of Bath. My mom had not gotten the address of the house, so she drove back and got it. After the Fire Department put out the fire, the neighbors said that they had put out the fire once before. People think someone threw away a firework thinking it was put out completely, but it wasn't.

The fire didn't do much damage because the grass was damp. It only burned a few leaves right above it.

Here is a picture of the trash can (after the fire was out. It would not have been safe).

Photo by Xavier's mom

Have you ever had an unexpected fire happen?
What are your thoughts about fire? (Wild and contained).
Do you even like fire?

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